Thursday, February 26, 2015

Planted artichoke and cardoon seeds today, in little four packs, about a dozen each. To fill out the flat, I also put in some Allium stellatum (Prairie Onion, which is both decorative and edible), Tunica saxifraga (Coat flower, a low growing groundcover with pink flowers), and Achlys triphylla (Vanilla Leaf, a woodland plant with sweet smelling leaves). Silver has already been laying with his head on the flat; I'm sure he's only waiting for the potting soil to dry out some before he gives it the whole body treatment. Which I'm sure he's only doing so they'll be the correct temperature and germinate faster.

It's still too early to really be planting things as we don't have enough space or enough light in the house and can't afford to heat the greenhouse, but the perennials should be sturdy enough to go out to the greenhouse not too long after they germinate.

Did *not* take Banshee for a walk today; I have once again come down with a crud that has filled my sinus, given me a sore throat and fever, and has my ear aching. Bah.

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